E-Book Publishing Services

E-Book Publishing Services

An eBook is an electronic version of a traditional print book that can be read by using a personal computer or by using an eBook reader. An eBook is an electronic book, one you read digitally on your computer, laptop screen or on devices called ebook readers. Usually one can download an eBook using free programs like Adobe Reader. Or one can purchase a CD or DVD copy to be downloaded. The book can then be read off a computer screen, a laptop, eBook readers, or palm pilots and organizers.

What is eBook Publishing?

eBook publishing an area of the publishing industry that involves turning a print book into a digital format that can be read on popular eReading devices such as the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook, and the Apple iPad. eBooks are much cheaper to purchase than a hardcover or paperback, and consumers are more likely to take a chance on purchasing an eBook because of this.

E-books are available in a variety of formats. One popular e-book format is the Portable Document File or PDF. This is a highly-compatible format and can be viewed on PCs, Macs or directly on the Web with Adobe Reader.  Another popular e-book format is EPub. This format is an open standard for e-books, and books with this format can be viewed on a number of e-reading devices. HTML e-books can only be viewed with computers or mobile devices that can connect to the Internet, and TXT e-book files are displayed in plain text and are very small in size.

Advantages of Ebook Publishing:

  • Ebooks posted online encourage comments, corrections, and feedback which eliminates mistakes and improves accuracy especially important when dealing with scientific and technological issues.
  • Ebooks can be hyper-linked, for easier access to additional information.
  • Ebooks can be printable and thereby give a reader most or all of the advantages of a paper-based book.
  • Ebooks are portable. You can carry an entire library on one DVD.
  • Ebooks are searchable. Quickly you can find anything inside the book.
  • Ebooks are easily updateable, for correcting errors and adding information.
  • Ebooks are ageless they do not burn, mildew, crumble, or fall apart.